
Jul 01, 2024 I started as Junior Research Group Leader at ScaDS.AI
Feb 01, 2024 I am invited as a keynote speaker at the AutoML Conference 2024
Jan 15, 2024 I will give a tutorial on hyperparameter search and neural architecture search at the MESS 2024 summer school
Dec 12, 2023 I will give a talk at BLISS about Automated Machine Learning
Jun 18, 2023 Our paper on Optimizing Hyperparameters with Conformal Quantile Regression got accepted at ICML 2023.
Feb 18, 2023 I will give a talk at the SIAM23 Minisymposia on Bayesian Optimization in the Real World
Dec 15, 2022 The first version of our HPO Chapter for the D2L Book ist out!
Jul 25, 2022 Our paper on Automatic Termination for Hyperparameter Optimization won the best paper award at the AutoML conference.
Jun 29, 2022 We published a new blog post on ‘Hyperparameter optimization for fine-tuning pre-trained transformer models from Hugging Face’
Jun 01, 2022 Two papers accepted at the first AutoML conference: The first paper is about our open-source HPO framework Syne Tune. The second paper presents a new termination criterion for HPO.
Nov 19, 2021 We released Syne Tune, an open-source python library for distributed hyperparameter and neural architecture search. For more information, see our blog post.
Oct 07, 2021 I will serve as senior area chair at the first AutoML Conference
May 31, 2021 BORE with Louis Tiao et al. was accepted as a long talk to ICML 2021
Feb 01, 2021 Our paper about ABRAC with Samuel Horvath et al. was accepted at AISTATS 2021
Jan 07, 2021 We organize another NAS workshop at ICLR 2021.
Jun 15, 2020 We organized a tutorial at CVPR 2020 about HPO and NAS
Jun 01, 2020 Together with Giovanni Zappella and Arber Zela, we organize a series of virtual seminars on AutoML
Jan 15, 2015 I successfully defended my Phd thesis